Nine Questions with... Mana Flooded
What first got you interested in Magic (or even TCGs more generally)? Was there a moment, or did it happen more gradually?
My addiction started in high school where I played Yu-Gi-Oh (Zombie Master Deck). Once I graduated, I put TCGs aside and only started playing MTG a few years ago (my first EDH deck was Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver). My addiction happened all at once – I started making more and more friends and got hooked instantly!
In the same vein, what first got you interested and active in content creation? What keeps you interested?
My page didn’t start as a way to get followers but as a way to make friends and post my nerdy ideas, lol. I’ve had my Instagram page for only a few months and the goal of making friends has been a great success!
What’s your all-time favorite Magic card, and does it hold a personal story or significance for you?
I LOVE building decks – something about coming up with new ideas is so much fun for me. I started playing casual decks only, but as I got better at building decks, the goal is now to win, haha! (I still have plenty of casual decks)
If you had to choose one Magic format to play forever, which would it be and why?
It has to be commander. I love pouring myself a glass of whiskey, sitting back, and slinging some spells.
Who are some creators or players in the Magic community that inspire you or that you think deserve more recognition?
There are so many. Off the top of my head, elchuy_geeks, Aly_TCG, the_unseen_of_mtg, basedmessiahx, and saltydeckgaming have always been great people to play against and have always been so nice to me! But with that being said, I’ve made SO MANY connections with so many content creators.
What’s your take on the current state of Magic: The Gathering—formats, new sets, or the community as a whole?
There are too many products, and it’s hard to keep up nowadays. But with that being said, I think the game is better than it’s ever been; we have so many new players joining every day!
Have you ever had an epic Magic moment—like a top-deck win, an unexpected combo, or a perfect draft—that you’ll never forget?
The most epic memory was the first time I won; the feeling I got was insane! I was playing my Dina Soul Stepper deck, and I casted Exquisite Blood. With that on the stack, I triggered some life gain and drained the whole table at once!
What’s one Magic card or mechanic that you think is underrated or doesn’t get the love it deserves?
Manifest Dread is a somewhat new mechanic, and I absolutely LOVE it. Zimone, Mystery Unraveler is a great commander for Manifest Dread – flipping over and cheating out large and impactful spells is so OP!
How has being part of the Magic: The Gathering community enriched your life, and what do you value most about it?
Value friendships: I’m generally a happier person knowing that there are so many other people with the same interests as mine. It’s a fun hobby and I don’t see myself ever stopping!