Nine Questions with… Tibalt’s Apprentice

What first interested you in Magic (or even TCGs more generally)? Was there a moment, or did it happen more gradually?

My 'real' introduction to Magic: the Gathering came in the form of a co-worker asking me if I had any Magic cards. I had already seen the game being played at a game store, where the owner and a patron were playing. At the time, I was not impressed! The owner did a horrible job of describing the game to me! "You're a wizard and you fight each other with a deck of cards."  That's it. He didn't show me the cards, he didn't talk about them being collectible trading cards... nothing! Like I said, I was not impressed. About two weeks later, my co-worker asked me if I had any Magic cards. When I told him no, he was shocked. He pointed out it was just the kind of game I would like. It blended fantasy, strategy, competition, cool artwork, and collectibility. Shortly after he told me that, I bought my first few packs. This was about the time of Revised. Soon I made my first trade, giving up a Keldon Warlord! It's funny how I remember what I gave in trade, but not what I traded it for. After buying those first few packs I was hooked.

Similarly, what first got you interested and active in content creation? What keeps you interested?

Before I started my Tibalt's Apprentice Youtube channel, my wife and I had done a horror movie podcast for 10 years. When the podcast came to an end, I found myself seeking another creative outlet. I then started my Youtube channel. I'd always loved MTG and enjoyed watching other content creators, so decided to give it a shot. Originally the channel featured interviews with other players. We would talk about favorite cards and decks, and would demonstrate game-play. I used to film at my favorite local game store, as they were kind enough to let me set up in their studio. Covid killed that, however, and I had to come up with new ideas. I'm still very interested in 'the gathering' and am always wanting to know how other people see the game. I enjoy hearing what they love about it. Having said all that, my own love for the game has been curbed as of late... the flood of products, the inevitable power creep, and the lack of care that seems to be going into the products themselves. The very BEST thing in the game, however, has never changed and that IS the gathering! The people I've met and the people I play with remind me why I love the game! 

What’s your all-time favorite Magic card, and does it hold a personal story or significance for you?

It might seem silly, or even a weak choice, but Dark Ritual is a favorite card of mine. In those early days of magic, it was always a thrill to draw that card and have a feeling of power and strength. I was always an aggressive player in the early days, and Dark Ritual gave me the opportunity to pull off big moves early on. I was always looking to pull off big splashy spells in those days! I was the first to use Channel/Fireball in our play group back then, earning me the reputation that I would cut off my own arm to beat you to death with it! I have mellowed some through the years, but it is never a good idea to attack me first in a game. 

If you had to choose one Magic format to play forever, which would it be and why?

If I had only one format to play forever, I think it would be Commander. I do enjoy other formats, but I think because Commander has the widest pool of cards to draw from, and the fact that it is a singleton format, it is most appealing. I also enjoy seeing peoples' personalities coming out in their decks, and seeing who their commander's are. 

Who are some creators or players in the Magic community that inspire you or you think deserve more recognition?

The people that inspire me in Magic are too numerous to list. I don't have any particular favorites, as I try to listen to many different players and creators, whether I agree with them or not. I enjoy listening to different opinions and points of view, and try to keep an open mind. People that deserve more credit are also too numerous to list. Each person's journey in the game has been a unique one. I'm sure the best way to grow as a player is to talk to the players you sit down with, and reach out to content creators you enjoy. Seek content creators out and find the small ones... the ones no one else has found yet. Join them if they are receptive, and build the community. It's the best way to enjoy the game.

What’s your take on the current state of Magic: The Gathering—formats, new sets, or the community?

In an attempt to stay positive, I generally avoid discussing the current state of Magic. Sadly, on the corporate side of the game there is nothing positive that I can comment on. I am sure some good people work hard on the game of Magic and do think about the community. The companies that control the game, however, have shown time and again that they put profits before EVERYTHING else. I am not naive, and I understand that MTG is a product. It's made to be sold... BUT, I wish there were more stewards of the game itself keeping a loving eye on its development and longevity. It's been a while since I've gotten excited about any of the sets. In spite of this, though, I do love how many of these new sets have brought in new players. That's always a good thing! 

Have you ever had an epic Magic moment—like a top-deck win, an unexpected combo, or a perfect draft—that you’ll never forget?

The most epic topdeck that springs to mind, is the very first time I topdecked a card that would allow me to kill both remaining opponents. The thrill and excitement is still with me. It almost doesn't matter what card it was. Many people may give out a groan when I say the card was 'Triumph of the Hordes'. What mattered most was the fact I had solved a puzzle. The topdecking of that card showed me that synergy and good planning could win games. I know that seems like a paradox. Topdecking implies luck, but so much more was involved in the building of the deck in question. The drawing of THAT card at THAT time was a key that unlocked the next level of my gameplay. 

What’s one Magic card or mechanic you think is underrated or doesn’t get the love it deserves?

'Buyback' is the one mechanic I use over and over. There are so many keywords that have been forgotten or overlooked. Those are the cards I look for and try to add to each deck. Another one I enjoy is the 'morbid' mechanic. 

How has being part of the Magic: The Gathering community enriched your life, and what do you value most about it?

This game has been part of my life for nearly 30 years. You would think I would be a better player by now! Ha! I had been in and out of the game for years, but as of 2009 I have played without a break. Once Wizards introduced Commander, I've played that format almost exclusively. I got into the Beta when MTGArena was new, but that's not real magic to me. There is only paper magic, and the joy of sitting down with old friends and new ones I have not yet met. Being part of the MTG community has enriched my life in countless ways... the friends I've made, visiting local game stores while traveling, being able to pull out a deck and play anywhere with new people, conversations with other older players about the early days of Magic... there are so many ways MTG has enriched my life. It might be cliche, but the thing I truly value most about Magic is the 'gathering' itself.


Follow and connect with Tibalt's Apprentice on Instagram at tibalts_apprentice.